The Atalaia Farm was founded in 1870 and stands out in historical and architectural terms, being of utmost importance to the identity of São Paulo. Initially, the farm was an important coffee producer until the 1929 crisis affected the direction of its production, and a still was built in 1940. Tulha cheese won the Gold Medal at the World Cheese Awards in San Sebastian, Spain, being the first international Gold Medal for a Brazilian artisanal cheese, and was 1st place in the Prêmio Queijo Brasil (2016 and 2017) for two consecutive years. With a firm, reddish rind, it has a brittle dough with tyrosine crystals that melt in the mouth due to its 10 to 12 months of maturation. Highway SP 352 – KM 137.5 – Alferes Rodrigues, Amparo – SP, 13900-000