At this age, earn lakhs of taka every month by raising goats/How can I start a goat farm with this method? Goat farm Nil Bangla Krishi Piyas Agro Farm Address: Village: Dulalnagar/Upazila: Damurhuda/District: Chuadanga Farm owner/Md. Piyas Sheikh Mob: 01792-627045 On the Nil Bangla Krishi channel_If you want to promote all kinds of farms, nurseries-roof gardens-field gardens and any agricultural products on this channel, call: 01742202521-Md. Ramzan Presenter, Nil Bangla Krishi) The number is open from 6 pm to 10 pm. Nil Bangla Krishi - YouTube Channel:- / nilbanglakrishi Nil Bangla Krishi - Facebook Page:- / nilbanglakrishi #NilBanglaKrishi #Earn a lakh a month by raising cattle at this age #I am farming cattle in this way #Cowfarm #Cowfarm #In the state of cattle #Cowfarming