In the critical juncture in which we live due to the blocking of social life and professional activities caused by the Covid-19 emergency, the San Carlo Foundation offers a special streaming program to reflect on the processes of globalization, their origins, their developments and their outcomes, sometimes unexpected and unpredictable, both for communities and for individuals. The contributions of this series, which we have called "Globalizations. History and theory of an anthropological and political experience", show that globalization is not a purely contemporary and one-dimensional phenomenon, but has origins traceable in deep time, has had a long evolution throughout history and today involves multiple levels, which often intersect to the point of almost overlapping and becoming indistinguishable from each other, from politics to communication, from the circulation of goods to the mobility of people, from human intervention on environmental balances to the new frontiers of research. The proposed contents make up a plural path, which includes conferences and interviews with specialists who have intervened in recent years within the cycles of lessons organized by the Foundation, shows and theatrical readings with the actors of Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, workshops with high school students from the province of Modena. The conference “At the origins of Homo and the great diffusions of prehistory”, held by Giorgio Manzi, professor of Paleoanthropology at the University of Rome «La Sapienza», is the first appointment of the series. #FSCstreaming #laculturanonsiferma