Hjemm hos oss was a Norwegian family-related comedy series that ran on NRK Television in 1979 and 1980. The series was about the Hegglund family, which consisted of the father Oddbjørn (Henki Kolstad), the mother Liv (Ingerid Vardund, the daughter Sissel (Linn Stokke) and the son Lillebjørn ( Kim Haugen) The neighbor Magne was based on the British comedy series Bless This House, which ran on ITV from 1971 to 1976. The series was adapted to Norwegian conditions by the series' actors vignette consisted of an old ragtime song by Scott Joplin called "Peacherine Rag". The series ran for two seasons, autumn 1979 and autumn 1980. The broadcast was on September 8, 1979