Real Slovak entertainment with the music group ORIONS from Hlohovac. (http://www.orions.sk) The second selection from HS ORIONS can be found here: • At a Slovak wedding and party with HS OR... There under the Tatras, Through Nemšová the clear water flows, In that club on the corner, Why didn't you come , I haven't seen it yet, A grove of trees, In a deep valley, Near the mill, A dewdrop is falling, She was sitting under a pine tree, My horses are crowing, Our bike ahead of us, Around Súča, Where I walk, here I drink, On the Trenčín bridge, She was peeing hemp, 123456, Javorinka grey, Where are you Anička, When the drivers start, On that saint Katarina, She was rolling around there, Hey Jana, Trenčín castle. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Slovak music group RYTMUS Oslany and another selection of the most famous Slovak and Czech folk songs. In the Šumava, Little boy, I slept on the hay, What are you firemen, A goose was flying, My horses are crows, I have an old draft horse, On the bank of the river, The Bojnica hospital, The little inn, In Bojnice on the hill, Play gypsy, On the pankráci, Me here's a little chimney, I had a whistle Performers: Sláger TV, Slágr TV, Senzi, Senzus, PROFIL, AKORD, AMADEO, ORION, ORIONS, Milan Perný, Vlasta Mudríková, Heligónka, brass band, Kysuce, Slovakia, Folklore, entertainment, dance, singing , joy, well-being, music program