After a long time, I finally had more time to sit down with the camera trap videos and prepared a montage that I had planned to edit for a long time. These are shots from my favorite place, so I didn't have to think about the name for long. I remember walking through here during the deer rut in 2015 and thinking that there would be nice shots from here. Time passed and when I started with camera traps, this place was one of the first places where I placed the camera trap. Later, I took it away, but after a year I decided to put it back again and it was here for almost 2 years. During that time, a lot of game passed through here and the spring season was especially colorful. In the summer, on the other hand, there were almost no videos because there is not enough water in the area and, what is important, the game retreats to the fields or is at the upper border of the forest. In terms of species diversity, the camera trap has really caught a lot here in those two years. Bear, wolf, lynx, badger, fox, marten, squirrel, deer, wild boar, roe deer, chamois, bat. As for birds, there was a buzzard, owl, black carpenter, partridge, woodcock, thrush, etc. In the video you can see: Deer, fox, lynx, squirrel, woodcock, wild boar, thrush, partridge, bear, wolf, roe deer and chamois. If you like my work, you can support me via: https://www.paypal.me/ViliamPolonec or IBAN: SK03 1100 0000 0029 3606 5126 Thank you!