In the year 2025, all the planets will change their signs - an astrological year the likes of which we have never seen and will never see again. We pay attention to each sign, but of course, this is only a fraction of the knowledge about each person's personal year. ???????? To understand how all transiting planets will specifically affect your natal chart, watch our workshop: ''2025 - Retrogrades and Opportunities'' at https://www.mtrng.com/събития astrologer Petya Stoyanova ???? website: https://www.astroacademy.eu/ instagram: / astro_answers_petya astrologer Nikola Nikolov ???? website: https://www.mtrng.com/ instagram: / matrang_astro TikTok: / matrang_astro #mercury #retrogrademercury #mars #retrogrademars #venus #retrogradevenus #jupiter #saturn #uranus #neptune #pluto #ares #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces