#asmr #asmrmouthsounds #asmrmouthsounds #asmrreading #relaxingvideo #sleepingvideos #wetsons #inaudible This video is for you who can't sleep, I came here to help you. Through mouth sounds and object sounds you will reach your deep sleep and your immense relaxation. So stay here with me! If you want to sleep with the video then just click on this icon ⚙️, which is on the right side of the video, and choose the option "show the video in repeat mode" ???? What is Asmr? ASMR is the acronym for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, in Portuguese. It is the name given to pleasurable sensations, usually a tingling or goosebumps caused by visual, auditory and cognitive stimuli. Presented by Débora Alves, who believes in Asmr as a healing phenomenon and a way to provide you with wonderful sensations of intense relaxation, deep sleep, immense well-being, tingling and goosebumps. E-mail ????: [email protected] #deepsleep #wellbeing #asmr #asmrmouthsounds #mouthsounds #sounds #deboraasmr #asmrmouthsounds #mouthsounds #videosparadormir #dormir #asmrterapia #melhoresasmr #asmrpararelaxar #relaxar #relaxamento #bemestar #asmrparadormir #asmrsoftvoice #asmrparaanxiety Translation into English: This video is for you who can't sleep, I came here to help you. Through mouth sounds and object sounds you will reach your deep sleep and immense relaxation. so stay here with me Today If you want to sleep with the video then just click on this ⚙️ icon, which is on the right side of the video, and choose the option “display the video in repeat mode” What is Asmr? ASMR is the acronym for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, or Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, in Portuguese. It is the name given to pleasurable sensations, usually a tingling or shivering caused by visual, auditory and cognitive stimuli. Presented by Débora Alves, who believes in Asmr as a healing phenomenon and a way to provide you with wonderful sensations of intense relaxation, deep sleep, immense well-being, tingling and shivers. Email ????: [email protected]