In Summary: Today I'm telling you about my old iPod which ran out of screen ↓↓ OPEN TO READ FULL DESCRIPTION ↓↓ Hello! Today I bring you a Story Time in whispers, in which I tell you about the time when my iPod Video ran out of screen after my worst car accident and how I adapted and learned to use it like that. This happened many years ago with an iPod video which I had before my iPod Classic which has already appeared in previous videos. I hope this simple Story Time helps you relax, clear your mind, and rest! Don't forget that you can also follow me on: Þ Instagram Þ Twitter Þ TikTok Like: @Jules_Habla Greetings! -Jules Early Access is available for VIP members! If you're interested, check out all the benefits you can get by becoming a member of this channel! / @jules_habla