Hello everyone! I am very happy to bring you today's video. Here I present to you my friend Sebastian, piano teacher and content creator at @crescendopiano who very kindly agreed to do this collaboration with me. I think it turned out to be a great video where you can learn something more and, of course, relax. Subscribe to his channel if you want to thank him a little from me for this great favor he did for our channel. Thank you all very much!!! Seba's Channel: / @crescendopiano ----- °°°°°° ----------- °°°°°° ----------- °°°°°° ----- Social Networks and Contact: Instagram: / elregresoasmr Email: [email protected] ----- °°°°°° ----------- °°°°°°° ----------- °°°°°° ----- If anyone is interested in making a contribution to the channel: Paypal: https://paypal.me/lucaslaplata89?coun... MercadoPago Alias: lucas.pes6 ----- °°°°°° ----------- °°°°°° ----------- °°°°°° ----- #asmr #asmrespañol #elregresoasmr