Hello/Good evening✨ It's kisa????✨ Today is my first video post in a while. I made three collages???? Because the construction sounds around the house are in the video, I've started playing background music halfway through. I chose music that will relax you, so I hope you enjoy it along with the sound of paper. #ASMR #journalASMR #paperASMR#stickerASMR #journal #journaling#decoratingspread #journalwithme #scrapbooking #aestheticjournal #papersound #ASMRjournaling #journalwithme #scrapbooking #didithjournal #didithjournalasmr #didithasmr #paper #journal #workvideo #forsleep #forwork #workbgm #papersound#travellers #travelersnotebook #tokyo #tokyo #atmosphere #atmospherevideo #relaxing #relaxing #relax #relaxingsounds #bgm