The program hosted by Erdoğan Alkan, about the life of Aşık Veysel Şatıroğlu, one of the last great representatives of the bard tradition, is on TRT Arşiv. The program also features Aşık Veysel singing his beloved folk songs. #TRTArşiv #Archive #AşıkVeysel ???? Subscribe to our channel to closely follow TRT Arşiv, Turkey's visual memory. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQkP... ????Follow on social platforms: Twitter: / trtarsiv Facebook: / trtarsiv Instagram: / trtarsiv YaaY: https://yaay.com.tr/trtarsiv TikTok: / trtarsiv Website: https://www.trtarsiv.com/ ???? Other content is now on TRT İzle and TRT Dinle! https://www.trtizle.com/trtarsiv https://www.trtdinle.com/genre/trt-arsiv