#perinatalgrief #lossofachild #motherhood #momintransformation #annaciska I publish the live broadcasts done on Tiktok, alone or shared with other mothers. Together we talk about motherhood in general and exchange our experiences of perinatal grief, rainbow pregnancy and fertility. Live support for grieving parents. WHO AM I? Hi, I'm Annalisa, a mother between heaven and earth, and this is my story. If you've come this far, you already know what I'm going to talk about, that is, my experience with motherhood and perinatal grief in particular. I imagine you know what it means, so I won't go into detail explaining it to you... just know that my intent is not to attract pity or compassion, but to promote sensitivity on a grief that today is still too often silenced, hidden and to be processed and forgotten as soon as possible. Help me break this silence because children who die during pregnancy, died like the others and it is right that they are remembered and mentioned, like any other dear deceased. Every mother has the right to talk about her children, whether they are present or not, because even if you have never met, that child existed, is real, was sought and was loved so much and that love will continue to be there as long as the mother lives. WHERE CAN YOU FIND ME? Tiktok: annaciska Instagram: annaciska.f