Just like the movie, 2 Run Movie A war movie based on real people and the French army that returned immediately after liberation after World War II and the Vietnam War of Independence! Go see the main part [ Full Version ] YouTube Movie YouTube • White Soldier: Vietnam Apocalypse Naver SeriesOn SeriesOn https://serieson.naver.com/v2/movie/4... Wave Wavve https://www.wavve.com/player/movie?mo... TVING TVING https://www.tving.com/contents/M00035... Watcha WATCHA https://watcha.com/contents/m5m17gj?s... Coupang Play https://www.coupangplay.com/titles/d5...%uD654%uC774%uD2B8%uC194%uC838%2CSEARCH_PAGE%3ASEARCH%3A1716585129111%3A%uD654%uC774%uD2B8%20%uCE59%uC2A4%2CSEARCH_PAGE%3ASEARCH%3A1716585129073%3A%uD654%uC774%uD2B8%uC194%uC838&trackId=&src=page_search&sourceType=&supportLive= CINEFOX https://www.cinefox.com/vod/movie/lis... BFLIX BFLIX https://www.bflix.co.kr/watch/6LJ2i Plot At the end of World War II in late 1945, Sergeant Tual and Sergeant Cariou of the French army were dispatched to Vietnam with the mission of mopping up the remaining Japanese forces in Vietnam. They conducted a landing operation in an area where the remnants of the Japanese army were, and they learned that their future opponents were not the Japanese army, but the locals who wanted independence. As the full-scale Vietnam War for Independence began, the Black Commando unit was created to counter the guerrilla tactics of the Viet Minh Army, and while the Black Commando led by Tual was attacking a mountain fortress, Cariou was caught in the artillery fire and went missing. Soon after, Tual learned that Cariou was attacking his own forces. If you liked the movie, please give it a like ^^ It helps with video production :) Thank you for watching #warmovie #endingincluded #moviereview