The world of technology can threaten us? What is driving the development of artificial intelligence? Where is it all heading? Can this development be regulated? Who should take care of it? What is the enemy of technology today? What are we as people afraid of when faced with new technologies? How to maintain "digital hygiene"? What is the biggest problem today? You will find answers to these and many other questions in a conversation with an artist, writer, culture expert, lecturer at the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts at the Faculty of Intermedia and deputy director of the Institute of Progressive Arts Miłosz Horodyski. I invite you Michał Prokopowicz Do you want to stay up to date? 🔔 SUBSCRIBE to our channels: / @superexpressofficial 👈 SUPER EXPRESS / @superring_ 👈 SUPER RING https://www.youtube.com/@SuperExpress... 👈 SUPER EXPRESS 2 / @superexpresssport 👈 SUPER EXPRESS SPORT / @conasczeka 👈 WHAT AWAITS US / @koloseumse 👈 COLOSSEOUM / @rozrywkase 👈 ENTERTAINMENT / @niezapomniani 👈 NIEZAPOMNIANI / @kostyrase 👈 ANDRZEJ KOSTYRA Follow us: 🟡 Facebook: / wwwsepl 🟡 Instagram: / superexpress_se.pl 🟡 Twitter: / se_pl #conasczeka #artificialintelligence #future