Arthur Keller, a specialist in systemic risks, was the guest of UNIL on Wednesday, December 11, 2024 to give a conference in which he addressed systemic risks and resilience strategies to ensure the security of our territories. The event, produced in collaboration with the Sustainability Competence Center (CCD) and the HES-SO, can be relive here in video. The slides of the event can be downloaded from this link: www.tinyurl.com/ak-unil First, Arthur Keller proposes a systemic characterization of the main issues that humanity must face and the major unprecedented challenges that we must take up. He explains the fundamental difference between multidimensional approaches and a systemic approach, the latter allowing us to understand the issues differently as well as the space of possible relevant responses. He highlights the major methodological errors that are made in the way we approach these issues. In a second step, he focuses on refuting certain options that are frequently presented as "solutions" and on pointing out the limits of existing tools to redesign the room for maneuver that we still have to react. Finally, in a third step, he explains what is (still) possible to undertake to ensure the resilience of territories, with a focus on food security issues, and will propose a global approach, by providing participants with general principles and actionable levers, some warnings and methodological advice, then by sharing effective keys to getting things moving. A renowned specialist in systemic risks and collective resilience strategies, Arthur Keller teaches systems science at the CentraleSupélec school, trains elected officials in global territorial security, and advises communities and public agencies on territorial resilience strategies in the face of current or future societal risks and disintegration. Selected from a dozen experts to train the French Prime Minister's Services and interviewed by the National Assembly as part of a parliamentary mission on national resilience, he developed a strategy to collectively prepare to face with dignity the major disruptions in continuity that are looming. More information on Arthur Keller and the content of his conference: https://www.resilienceterritoriale.or... Moderation: Jean-André Davy--Guidicelli (igd.unil.ch/jadg) Organization: UNIL en transition - https://www.unil.ch/unil/fr/home/menu... Centre de compétences en durable - https://www.unil.ch/unil/fr/home/menu... HES-SO - https://www.hes-so.ch/la-hes-so/durab... References: The speaker's Youtube channel: / @arthur-keller