[Attention, Portuguese speakers: there is an excerpt in English at the end of the video, activate the subtitles in Portuguese!] ---------- An invisible arrow is aimed at the microcosm. It concerns a state of physical magnitude, measurable, on an infinitesimal scale and jointly considers the invisible condition of the presence of other dimensions, spiritual, parallel and agents of life on the planet. “Everything we see is an expression of the invisible.” We thus visit a series of beings that contribute to the existence of life on the planet. Based on the Book of Invisible Beings, by Dorion Sagan, the arrow dialogues with the others. In The Serpent and the Canoe we dive into this galaxy hidden from the naked eye. The Sun and the Flower has as its essence the activity of photosynthetic beings such as cyanobacteria. Metamorphosis provides a vision of the fundamental role of invisible beings in the permanence of life on Earth and its continuous transformation. The Jungle and the Sap reveals the wisdom contained in the beautiful system of life regulation. The narrative is based on the following books and notebooks: CREATIVE BEINGS OF THE FOREST Cristine Takuá Cadernos Selvagem, 2020 PROPRIOCEPTION: WHEN THE ENVIRONMENT BECOMES THE BODY Lynn Margulis, Dorion Sagan, Ricardo Guerrero and Luis Rico Cadernos Selvagem, 2020 LETTER FROM CHIEF SEATTLE COMMENTED BY AILTON KRENAK Chief Seattle and Ailton Krenak Caderno Selvagem, 2021 THE FALL OF THE SKY Davi Kopenawa and Bruce Albert Companhia das Letras, 2015 Diving into the wonderful work of James Weiss (@jam_and_germs) and Penny Fanton (@postgraduate_procrastination) was fundamental to this arrow . We appreciate it! An invisible arrow is inspired by the life and work of biologist Lynn Margulis. ------- In this “composting of images” – a creative concept for our audiovisual series based on the use of existing images – we have the following artists: Lynn Margulis Dorion Sagan Cristine Takuá (@cristinetakua) James Weiss (@jam_and_germs ) Penny Fanton (@postgraduate_procrastination) Orlando Wakatautheri Lucas Santtana (@lucassanttana) Denilson Baniwa (@denilsonbaniwa) John Feldman Aislan Pankararu (@aislanpankararu) John Bonner Heather Barnett (@heatherabarnett) Lua Kali (@lua.kali) Elisa Mendes (@elisamendes ) ABOUT THE TEAM: Artistic direction, text and research: Anna Dantes Voice of narration: Ailton Krenak Narration: Cris Takua Production: Madeleine Deschamps Editing: Elisa Mendes Animations: Lívia Serri Francoio Soundtrack: Lucas Santtana and Gil Monte Communication: Laís Furtado Assistant Production: Victoria Mouawad Design Assistant: Isabelle Passos WILD COMMUNITY: dissemination and communication Cris Muniz, Chris Keller, Daniela Ruiz, Natalia Amarinho, Esther Loag and Mauricio Boff SUPPORTERS NETWORK This Arrow had the special support of Ludivine Camus, @laludi . We thank our network of supporters: Domitille Camus, IPE - Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas @institutoipe, @ci_brasil, Roddick Foundation, @samantharoddick, @vert_shoes, @institutoserrapilheira Instituto Clima e Sociedade, BPBES, José Roberto Marinho, @luizzerbini, Office of the Book of French Embassy in Brazil @francanorio, @bibliomaison and @aldeiarizoma. #savage #planet #agentsoflife #ailtonkrenak #invisibledimensions #earth #indigenouspeople