Arrival, maneuvers and departure of the Christmas train in Jaraguá do Sul - SC at the LJG yard. In the video, the train arrives from LJL/Joinville - SC, where it made the illuminated passage, and Guaramirim - SC, at the Bananal station, the old LBA yard, with a cultural show by the city hall. In Jaraguá, it begins maneuvers by detaching the Mallet 204 steam locomotive, maneuvering it to the siding. Soon after, the G22UB 4328 is detached and maneuvered to the main line, freeing up space for the steam locomotive to retreat and attach to the wagons that were stopped between km 77 and 76. However, after the Mallet retreated to couple to the wagons, the G22UB retreated before the AMV in the yard and soon after entered the siding. The Mallet also pulled the 4 wagons to the siding by itself, coupling to the 4328 and parking, leaving everything in order to continue the journey on the next day, 12/23, where it left in the morning from LJG with maneuvers in the video and departure from Jaraguá, to prepare for the illuminated passage between Rio Vermelho - LRV - São Bento do Sul - SC and LNO - Rio Negrinho - SC, where the illuminated passage of the year will finally end; End of year 2024 video of the Christmas train! Train: Mallet #204 G22UB #4328 4 Wagons: VG - 101 No. 630855 - 4 FRC - 637057 - 8N Car AC - 09 No. 928390-1 Car AD-10 Viação Rio Grande do Sul - RS Administration. video script: 00:00 to 01:08 - Mallet 204 maneuvering to the diverted line 01:08 to 02:28 - G22UB 4328 maneuvering into the yard on the main L 02:28 to 03:40 - Mallet maneuvering to pick up the 4 wagons between km 77 and 76 03:40 to 04:19 - G22UB 4328 maneuvering out of the yard 04:19 to 04:50 - G22UB 4328 maneuvering into the yard on the diverted line 04:50 to 06:41 - Mallet pulling 4 wagons entering the yard on the diverted line 06:41 to 07:31 - driver activating the start up on G22UB 4328 07:31 to 09:16 - train maneuvering out of the LJG yard 09:16 to 10:28 - train maneuvering out of LJG yard 10:28 to 12:08 - train departing from km 77 LJG to LHS/Corupá yard - SC ➡️ LRV - Rio Vermelho - SBS - LNO/Rio Negrinho - SC. SBS: São Bento do Sul - SC Thanks for watching and Merry Christmas to all! God bless 🙏🏻