Next video: • AROUND THE WORLD 21 Kenya, Nairobi, na... Previous video: • AROUND THE WORLD 19 Ethiopia Addis Ababa.... Watch all travel series: • All travel series around the world Leo ... Support the channel: / @leoontheroad I continue traveling around the world. I'm traveling around Ethiopia with a Chinese girl Mickey Li. We arrived in Arba Minch by bus from Addis Ababa. We saw the sunrise on the way from the window. I made a bet with the security guard that I would swim in the lake in the Nech Sar National Park. Fig tree and vines, chimpanzees and baboons. The first mosquito nets over the bed. I was bitten by Ethiopian mosquitoes. The first Ethiopian crowded buses. We found a Chinese couple of travelers and are traveling together. The children's genuine interest in beards. Local Ethiopian tribes stop the bus. Militarized checkpoints and animals on the streets. A backpack rides on the roof of a bus. The city of Jinka, where water is delivered by donkeys. Bets in a bookmaker's office on Shakhtar Donetsk. Barbecue in the Chinese community. Renting a Toyota Land Cruiser. A dog was set on us. Mursi tribes. They asked us to paint our faces, they demanded candy and soap. Plates in our ears. Plates in our lower lip. We decided to build a hut and stay with Miki to live in Africa among the tribes. Kenyan visa obtained online. Turmi village. Huge African burgers. Hamar (Hummer) tribes. They want my T-shirt with the Leo on the Road logo. iPhone presentation in an African tribe by a Chinese woman Miki. Huge termite mounds are taller than me. The polygamous Kara tribe in the Omo River Valley offers to stay and live in Ethiopia if I am not a Muscovite and can jump over a bull. We go to a restaurant. Bulljumping ceremony. Folk festivities, songs and dances. An Ethiopian cuts down a tree on which I am sitting with a machete. Africans teach Chinese. I drink four liters of water a day. We ride motorcycles off-road towards adventures in Africa. #leo #leo #aroundtheworld #travel #travels #ontheroad #traveler #aroundtheworld