Do you ever wonder if unicorns really exist? And if they are real, what is their magical power? I used to ask myself these questions until this happened to me... This is my story about how I met my personal unicorn and what happened when I started channeling unicorn messages for the participants of my workshops. Unicorns are the most magical spiritual guides of our soul. Your unicorn is the one who brought you from the soul realm, from where your soul is at home, to this life on planet Earth. Your unicorn knows all the secrets of your soul and your greatest soul gifts. That is why working with a unicorn always reminds you of who you really are and encourages you to live your life mission. And on top of all that, your unicorn also makes your wishes come true! Could there be anything more beautiful than that? Watch the video and start working with your unicorn today! Tjaša Dorelay Your vibration creates your situation. You can learn more about me at https://www.tjasadorelay.com/ The video is an excerpt from the Celestial Inspiration™ Practitioner course, 2018.