Join this channel to benefit from the privileges: / @resulhoy IS THE CHINESE QUAIL MONOGAMY OR POLYGAMY? EVERYONE COMMENTS How to take care of quail, What are quail diseases, How do quails lay eggs, How do quails look, What are Chinese quails, What do quails eat, What to give to quails, Do quails make noise, Do quails smell, How many female quails are taken for a male, How is a quail coop, 2020 trend videos, Chinese quail, How does a Chinese quail become a broodmare, broodmare Chinese quail, Can quails be fed at home, How to distinguish the sex of quails, What is the productivity of Chinese quails, Rooster, Chicken, Egg, Chick, Coop, Roost, Nest, Feeder, Waterer, Chicken diseases, Chick diseases, CRD, Diarrhea, breed standards, breed, type, treatment, medicine, coop floor, egg efficiency, nutrition, how do I raise chickens, how do I build a coop, how many chickens can be placed per rooster, chick care,