– In marital and parental life, love must find a reflection, and cannot be replaced by various technologies. A person is not a product, a person is the fruit of marital love – said the Metropolitan of Krakow, stipulating that the Church, while unequivocally criticizing in vitro, surrounds every life conceived by this method with full respect and love. The Metropolitan of Krakow celebrated Holy Mass in Zembrzyce on the occasion of the 89th birthday of the late Prof. Stanisław Grygiel, a philosopher, student and collaborator of St. John Paul II, who died in February. #abpMarekJędraszewski #profStanisławGrygiel #Zembrzyce --- implementation and editing: Piotr Ćwik We invite you to follow other media of the Archdiocese of Krakow: website: www.diecezja.pl Facebook: / archkrakowska Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArchKrakowska?s=20 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/archidiecez...