The second season of Arcane, an animated series set in the League of Legends universe and released in Brazil by Netflix, is the conclusion of the story of Jinx, Vi, Cailtyn, Jayce, Viktor, Mel, Ekko, Heimerdinger, Sevika, Singed, and the political plot between Piltover and Zaun. Like the first season, the second year is divided into acts: in Act 1, we have the consequences of Jinx's attack on the headquarters of the Piltover councilors and the rise of Ambessa Medarda as a prominent political figure in post-attack Piltover; in Act 2, new characters take center stage (such as Isha and the Black Rose/LeBlanc) while others are recast (Viktor and Vander, who appears in his monstrous form/Warwick) and in Act 3, all the drama converges in an epic and grand battle for the future of the arcane and magic. Compared to the first season, Arcane's second season feels rushed and takes narrative shortcuts that compress the dramatic developments of the characters. Important themes, such as allegories about the military uses of technology and financial monopolies of power, are left aside to give greater emphasis to the visual spectacle of the action. Despite this, aesthetically and artistically, Arcane remains faithful to the creative inventiveness of its 2021 version. In this video, I review Arcane's second season, analyze the themes and stories of the characters, the developments presented in acts 1, 2 and 3, as well as a commentary on the successes and mistakes made in adapting the narrative universe of LoL. Editor: @lupozign (Instagram) #arcane #leagueoflegends #lol ____________________________ Subscribe: / @rafaelalziro Tik Tok: @rafaelalziro ____________________________ Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 01:52 - Season 1 Recap 03:23 - Act 1 07:48 - Act 2 14:00 - Act 3 21:07 - Season 2 Analysis (themes, art and aesthetics, music, plots) 29:12 - Changes between Arcane and LoL (League of Legends) and the canon problem ____________________________ Sources consulted: HUPPES, Ivete Susana Kist. Classical tragedy and modern tragedy. Letras De Hoje, 22 (1), 1987. ____________________________ Ending music: / @lupozmusic