Product purchase link: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DB5... Arbitrary function generator! We will review this complete, low-cost benchtop function generator! Attention: At 12:50 the correct sweep range in that test is 1KHz to 10KHz. In the other measurements the scale is in KHz and not MHz. Subscribe to the channel here: https://www.youtube.comhttps://www.yo... Become an Electrolab supporter on the apoia-se! page: https://apoia.se/electrolab Become an Electrolab patron: https://www.patreon.com/electrolab?ty=h Subscribe to the channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/electrolab-... Trainings recommended by Electrolab: LAUNCH: Complete Electronics Course with Focus on Telredes DEFECT ANALYSIS! Complete course, from basic to advanced. Ideal for those who want to learn how to repair electronic boards or assemble their own circuits: https://bit.ly/3zhZ2VV HIGHLY REQUESTED COURSES: 1) GENERAL ELECTRONICS Course!!!! New for those who want to learn electronics!! Link: http://bit.ly/2EEwetZ 2) Online AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICAL course (with certificate): http://bit.ly/2mDdF5a 3) OSCILLOSCOPE Analysis Course for notebook repairs: https://go.hotmart.com/B8156422L 4) VOLTAGE INVERTER Manufacturing and Repair Course: http://bit.ly/2QxONpy 5) Express CCTV Technical Course (in 12 interest-free installments): https://bit.ly/31xvYKK CELL PHONE AND NOTEBOOK COURSES: 1) CELL PHONE Maintenance and Repair Course: http://bit.ly/2LHKsBt 2) NOTEBOOK Repair Course: https://bit.ly/3coFjtH OTHER COURSES IN THE AREA: 1) SOLAR ENERGY System Installer Course: http://bit.ly/2oQWrxB 2) ENGLISH from scratch in 24 hours: http://bit.ly/2oZaJgm This review has the exclusively technical/educational purpose of presenting the product, its main features and functionalities in a summarized way. It is not an advertisement or purchase recommendation. The channel is not responsible for the quality and durability of the product in question, these are always the responsibility of the person selling it.