Currently in Medical Internship Biotechnology Engineers at age 16 Step 1 USMLE at age 20. Rotation in Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Univ. of Miami. President and Vice President of the Mission:Brain UAM chapter Each with more than 50 major neurosurgeries and orthopedics, as 1st. or 2nd. assistants. Two works at the Latin American Congress of Neurosurgery Members of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons The most prolific Polymaths in mathematical, scientific and medical video productions worldwide. Mission:Brain, a non-profit organization, Dr. Quiñones-Hinojosa (Director of Neurosurgery at the Mayo Clinic, Florida campus) and Dr. Michael Lawton (Barrow Neurological Institute), as President and Vice President, for neurosurgical expenses in Mexico and around the world. Let's build bridges together: Donate to Mission:BRAIN: https://missionbrain.kindful.com/?cam... Mission:brain: https://www.missionbrain.org/