#AntoineSaintExupery #MiculPrint #TeatruRadiofonic #TeatruAudio #TeatruVechi #TeatruOnline #MariActoriRomani Sahara desert. The author, an airplane pilot, makes a forced landing due to engine problems. After a night spent in the wilderness of the desert, the author wakes up next to him with a little man dressed as a prince who asks him to draw a sheep. The Little Print came from asteroid B-612, discovered in 1909 by a Turkish astronomer. On this small asteroid that the little prince lived on, he had a flower he was taking care of, as well as three volcanoes, two of which were active. Cast: Tudor Emanuel Fertig, Florian Pittiş, Sibylla Oarcea, Şerban Celea, Mariana Zaharia, Boris Petroff, Dumitru Anghel, Candid Stoica, Florin Burlacu, Simona Macra