I answer questions about the care and maintenance of hoya flowers. If you have any suggestions or questions about flower care, write! Feedback is very important to me! Thank you for subscribing! Soil for hoya: • Soil for growing Hoya I invite you to visit the online store Hoyisovsehugolkovmira.rf http://khoyisovsehugolkovmira.rf/ https://tilda.cc/page/?pageid=8889660... I accept pre-orders for rooting cuttings for the spring. You can find me on VKontakte: @nastyahoya Visit and subscribe to my Instagram: @nastyahoya #hoyas #flowers #indoor #blooming #saleofflowers #flowershop #flowersbymailrf #hoyashopping #hoya #hoyasPerm #rooting #cuttings #plants #indoorplants #flowercare #flowerreview #HoyasFromAllOfTheWorld