This is the second installment of the exclusive interview video screenings with Bukuro. Morita, Yamane MG, and writer Watanabe submitted questions they wanted to ask Bukuro right now. Based on those, Director Tsuji filmed the interview video with Bukuro. What will Bukuro have to say?! If you're as interested in Bukuro as we are, we think you'll enjoy it, so be sure to check it out. The car has changed from a Jeep to an Audi, but just like last time, it's a great time. ■First installment • [A series of shocking facts] Document Bukuro screening [Staff] Director / Tsuji Shogo Writer / Watanabe Yuuki ♫ THE CHERRY COKE$ / @cokedrunktv ■Opening song: "Public House" ■Ending song: "Saraba Seishun no Hikari" MV⇨ • THE CHERRY COKE$ "~Saraba Seishun no Hikari~" OFFICIAL MV #Saraba Seishun no Hikari #UraSaraba #BukuroExclusiveInterview