Today's project is another beautiful piece from the kitchen kit, which I'm putting together as a gift suggestion ???? and to resell as well. Don't forget to leave in the comments what you thought of this project, okay. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????My address for gifts and letters. MARINETI Vicente dos Santos PO Box 1004 ZIP Code 16,200,907 Birigui SP. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Links to my social networks. www.instagram.com/marinetivicente / marineti.vicente.9 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? List of materials. Bias 53cm long by 3.05cm wide. Bias 33cm long by 3.05cm wide. Bias 29cm long by 3.05cm wide. Bias 18cm long by 3.05cm wide. For the body of the piece 82cm high by 30cm wide. English embroidery 92cm long. For the brim two fabrics measuring 19cm long by 13cm wide. Blanket r2 19cm long by 11cm wide. For the bow, two fabrics measuring 15cm long by 9cm wide. ????????????????