Welcome to my channel, Kidayr with the expense, where he provides you with advice on how to manage the budget. You can save money no matter the circumstances with Fatima Zahra Al-Katiri and Muhammad Jadri. He guides you on how to manage your projects and invest your money. To communicate with the program, you can call 0522772424 #Kidair_with_the_expense #kidayr_m3a_msrof #Kidair_with_the_expense #radio_aswat #Muhammad_Jadri #Fatima_Al-Zahra_Al-Kathiri #Fatima_Al-Zahra_Al-Katiri Kidayr with the expense Radio Aswat Kidayr with the expense, Kidayr with the expense Radio Aswat, Kidayr with the expense 2023, Kidayr with the expense Radio Aswat