Subscribe to YouHumour http://ow.ly/he1aq In this sketch Anne Roumanoff explains the difference between a boss and an entrepreneur. Anne Roumanoff will perform her new show "Tout va bien!" at the Olympia on April 23 and 24, 2019! To book, click here: https://www.olympiahall.com/evenement... Find the dates of her tour on her website: http://www.anneroumanoff.com/spectacl... And every day from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in "Ça fait du bien" on Europe 1! Follow us on Facebook: / youhumour.fan Twitter: / youhumour Google +: https://plus.google.com/+YouHumour/posts Youhumour, the humor portal: 330 artists and 3000 videos of their best comedy sketches. Come and be funny with us! Find funny videos of one man shows, stand up, female comedians, French comedians, comedy duos… From black humor to humor about couples, from Ondar comedians to those of Vtep and the Jamel Comedy Club, all the new talents of humor are on You Humour. Even more videos http://www.youhumour.com