At Sunday's concert for Ukraine, she will sing the song Sunflower. The theme was a story that happened to her a few years ago. "I was driving with my nephew and a young lady approached who was crying. Then, as I was getting off, I gave her a note from my diary, where I wrote that everything would be fine. About six months later, I was solving some problems and was driving from the tax office. I got on the bus and started crying. When I was getting off, someone tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a note. It was mine. It's clear that good things come back," adds Anna Slováčková in Close Encounters of Adéla Gondíková on Dvojka. You can listen to an interview from our broadcast about this and more. Listen to Close Encounters as a podcast in the mujRozhlas mobile app https://www.mujrozhlas.cz/blizka-setkani --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dvojka website: https://dvojka.rozhlas.cz/ Facebook: / crodvojka Twitter: https://twitter.com/CRoDvojka?lang=cs