As part of the series of events “The Longhi Foundation meets the city”, organized thanks to the fundamental contribution of the Tuscany Region, we are pleased to present a meeting to discover the Anna Banti Archive. The event will retrace the history and career of the illustrious writer through original documents and, through the reading of selected passages, we will “listen” to the voices of the female figures described in her works. The meeting will be led by Annantonia Martorano and Elena Gonnelli, who are currently reorganizing the Archive, with the participation of Fausta Garavini. Claudio Paolini, Scientific Director of the Longhi Foundation, will intervene by illustrating some of the portraits of Anna Banti made by Roberto Longhi in the 1920s. #AnnaBanti #VociFemminili #FondazioneLonghi #CulturaInToscana