To see the second-hand car prices and market, I took a photo of the cars at the Ankara second-hand car market on December 8, 2024. The second-hand open car market was crowded despite the cold weather today. Second-hand car prices are dropping significantly. There are generally sellers instead of buyers in the market. I saw brands and models that I have not seen before in the market this week. Second-hand car prices vary greatly. For example, while one seller is asking 400,000 TL for the same model and similar Honda Civic, another seller is asking 600 thousand TL. There are vehicles that are very popular in the Turkish market in the market. There are mostly vehicles of brands such as Audi, Honda, Fiat, Hyundai, Opel, Volkswagen, Renault, Tofaş, Mercedes, BMW, Renault and Mitsubishi. There are generally vehicles between the 2000 and 2010 models in the market. I have not come across any saddler sales or bargaining today. Everyone is waiting and worried about selling their vehicle. The high interest rates on loans and the low amount of loans caused the second-hand car prices to be low. To reach me: [email protected] Telegram: https://t.me/ugurgokce Ankara second-hand open car market is located in the Karacaören neighborhood of Pursaklar district. There are mostly old model vehicles in the market. However, this week there are new models and even cars worth 1 million and above. It is possible to find sedan, hatchback and station wagon vehicles in the car market. There are also manual and automatic transmission vehicles. While some vehicles are very clean, some are very wrecked. Cars with poor bodywork are much cheaper. There are vehicles in the market that appeal to the lower middle income group from 100,000 liras to 500,000 liras and the upper middle income group from 500 thousand TL to 1.5 million liras. There are also B segment, C segment and D segment vehicles. #otopazarı #second-hand #prices #market #carpazarı #ankara #automobile #market #december #2024 #december2024