I AM RICH! Aninha recovers the chocolate factory and all the fortune left by Ludovico. Jezebel, on the other hand, got screwed and was left with NOTHING! Chapter 198, December 5, 2020, Saturday. WATCH ALL THE SOAP OPERAS, from the beginning, on VIVA Play: https://globosatplay.globo.com/viva/ From Monday to Saturday, a new video on the VIVA channel. Here you will find videos of Soap Operas, Music, Humor, Interviews and much more. Subscribe! Subscribe to the VIVA Channel on YouTube: http://ow.ly/Uu48D Access VIVA Play: http://ow.ly/Uu4bt Follow VIVA Channel on Facebook: http://ow.ly/UtqzU Follow VIVA Channel on Instagram: Follow VIVA Channel on Twitter: http://ow.ly/UtqDd #VIVA #ChocolateComPimentaNoVIVA #MelhorDoDia