Other names: Another World Rhapsody That Began with a Death March, Another World Rhapsody of the Long Journey Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Harem Description: The story follows 29-year-old programmer Ichiro Suzuki. His life changes when he gets into an online game, where he becomes a 15-year-old teenager named Sato. At first, the young man thinks that this is a dream, but in fact it is not. In addition, as it turns out, his character is not deprived of strength. During an enemy attack, Sato uses a special three-time power ("meteorite shower"), which wipes out an army of lizards from the face of the earth, and at the same time his level rises sharply. Power is power, but our hero plans to live peacefully, meet new friends, hiding his level. One way or another, the development of the game, in particular the return of the Demon King, gets in Sato's way. Hashtags for video: #Anime #Anime #AnimeAllSeries #Anime_all_series #AllSeriesAnime #Marathon #Anime Marathon #Watch_Anime #WatchAnime #BestAnime #TopAnime #Top #Magic #AnimeAboutMagic #Comedy #Adventures ⚠️Video taken from YouTube channel - KRAMECS⚠️ ❗️This video is used for entertainment purposes. Not monetized. Using someone else's content does not harm the copyright holder's income.❗️