This is a summary video of "Catching the Blue Demon". Parts 11 to 15 are summarized. [Part 11] Futon Shrine Playing cards Log crossing Tarzan Rope Tub crossing Tennis court [Part 12] Near Maruo Field trip Schoolyard Smartphone Shoes Bottle cap Meteorite Pet shop [Part 13] Piano Bicycle Shaved ice Water bottle Minecraft chest Fisher's Silk-san Shumai [Part 14] Nintendo Switch Behind the TV Pencil Gymnasium Parking lot Back Clock Fish tank [Part 15] Cat food The Battle Cats Art room After draining the pond On top of your head Bubbles Capsules from a gachapon Tapioca Milk tea Bath ◆ Gouki's X https://x.com/goukiBOOK ◆ Gouki goods https://muuu.com/videos/0b03b69eea65675f ◆ Free materials used [MusMus] http://musmus.main.jp/ [PIXTA] #BlueDemon #Anime #Gouki