You can order the book at https://xlm.pl/publicystyka/229653-ai... Andrzej Zybertowicz has created a space in this book for a conversation about AI that we all need. In today's world, "transparency" in our discourse is a key requirement. This book should be a must-read for anyone who asks what AI is today and what it can be in the future. A must-read. - Andrew A. Michta New releases available in the bookstore at: ▶ https://xlm.pl/wydawnictwo/8-zona-zero About us ---------------- ZONA ZERO is a non-fiction publishing house. The idea of the publishing house is to promote valuable literature. The publishing offer includes, among others, historical books that touch on important elements of Polish history and geopolitical books written by researchers and experts on the subject. Books that can be a proven source of knowledge Publisher's website ▶ https://www.zonazero.pl/