On this Thursday 10 years ago, on July 22, 2011, the Norwegian right-wing terrorist Anders Breivik (then 32) killed a total of 77 people before the Delta special unit stopped him on the island of Utøya. BILD traveled to Utøya with Anders Snortheimsmoen (63), the then head of the Delta unit. There he reports on the operation - and the moment that decided the assassin's life or death. --- In exclusive images, the reporters reconstruct Breivik's mass murder. Relatives of the victims describe the dramatic hours, the commander of the "Delta" unit that stopped Breivik shows how his men caught the gunman. The interrogation specialist Asbjørn Rachlev (46) interrogated Breivik for 220 hours and extracted many secrets from him. In the documentary, he gives insights into the disturbing world of the right-wing extremist assassin. #Breivik #Utoya #bildplusdoku --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ???? Subscribe to our channel now and activate the bell! ???? Betting manipulation! Fraud! Homelessness! Jail!: GAMBLED AWAY - How a gambling addict lost EVERYTHING: https://on.bild.de/3fTlvzD ???? "Heroin in Berlin" - The poison from the subway The exclusive report: https://on.bild.de/2M3mVfQ ???? Undercover agent "Miami Gianni" spills the beans: Undercover between pimps, rockers and clans - https://on.bild.de/3dZGq0K ???? "Blind hatred - How does a normal boy become a killer neo-Nazi?" - the BILDplus documentary about the Halle attacker Stephan Balliet: https://on.bild.de/39fSLgK ???? "The Snow King" - From policeman's son to drug boss: The German Pablo Escobar now tells EVERYTHING - https://on.bild.de/32XIq7a ???? The best documentaries with BILDplus are available here: https://on.bild.de/BILDvideothek ???? Follow our moderators: Patricia Platiel: / patricia.platiel Kai Weise: / weisekai Claus Strunz: / clausstrunz Paul Ronzheimer: / ronzheimer ???????? Imprint: https://on.bild.de/impressum #BILD #Nachrichten #News