Artis hijrah, artis jadi ustadz - ustadzah menjadi salah satu fenomena yang merebak di Indonesia. Sebenarnya tidak masalah mereka menjadi ustadz atau influencer hijrah, tapi hendaknya menyesuaikan kapasitas ilmunya. This may cause the whole family to eat a lot of water. Begitu miris kitaa melihat ada oknum artis yang bebicara masalah agama diluar pasitasnya, menafsirkan Al-Quran tanpa ilmu and otak atik gatuk. On the authority of Anas ibn Malik, who said: The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Before the Antichrist there will be years of deception in which the truthful will be called a liar and the liar will be believed, the trustworthy will be betrayed and the traitor will be trusted, and the insignificant will speak.” It was said: “And what is the insignificant?” He said: “The wicked who speaks about public affairs.” (Narrated by Ahmad) Orang yang amanat dikhianati, sedang orang yang suka berkhianat deepercaya, dan para al-ruwaibidhah angkat bicara,” ada yang bertanya, apa itu ruwaibidhah? Rasulullah saw bersabda, “Orange fasik and berbicara tentang persoalan publik” (HR Ahmad). You will be able to use Open Mic ANB. Ilmiah and Mencerdaskan Umat. Jangan lupa subscribe channel: Subscribe: / @amminurbaits Instagram: / amminurbaits Facebook: / ustadzamminurbaits BM: https://berbagilink.id/anbchannel #artishijrah #tafsirquran