The organs of the respiratory system are: nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and their branches, and the lungs, which contain the alveoli. Because gas exchange occurs only in the alveoli, the other structures of the respiratory system are nothing more than conduction pathways that allow air to reach the lungs. However, these pathways have another very important function, since they purify, humidify and warm the incoming air. Thus, the air that reaches the lungs has a low content of irritants (such as dust or bacteria) compared to the air that entered the system; in addition, this air is warm and humid. CONTACT. OTHER CHANNELS AND SOCIAL NETWORKS: YouTube Adrián Suárez: / @adriansuarezalonso Instagram Sanidad Creativa: / sanidadcreativa TikTok Sanidad Creativa: / sanidadcreativa Telegram Channel Sanidad Creativa: https://t.me/sanidadcreativa E-MAIL: [email protected] BIBLIOGRAPHY CONSULTED TO PREPARE THE CONTENT: DAE, Diffusion Advances in Nursing. Atlas of the human body anatomy histology pathologies. 1st ed. Barcelona, Spain: Ars XXI Group of Communication, SL; 2009. Elaine N. Marieb. Human Anatomy and Physiology. 1st ed. Madrid, Spain: Pearson Education SA; 2008. Pró EA. Clinical Anatomy. 1st ed. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial Médica Panamericana SACF; 2012. Frank H. Netter. Atlas of human anatomy. 7th ed. Barcelona, Spain: Elsevier España, SLU; 2019. IMAGE SOURCE: https://www.shutterstock.com/es/home Central image of the heart obtained by downloading under subscription to the Shutterstock image bank. Cover icon: Icon made by DinosoftLabs from www.flaticon.com Image of the structural relationship between the trachea and the esophagus and tracheal cilia obtained from the book - - Human Anatomy and Physiology. 1st ed. Madrid, Spain: Pearson Education SA; 2008.