In this video, I present at least 4 examples of scam ads on webmotors. The characteristics are always the same, so it is easy to identify. Even so, I receive ads like these every day from customers interested in cars like this. Therefore, the tips I present are valid. If you want me to analyze an ad, call me on WhatsApp at 11 97976-6700. I will charge only R$50.00 for the first 10 customers of this service. Contacts Caçador de Carros WhatsApp http://bit.ly/2BWDliJ Email [email protected] Also like us on social media Website https://semmedo.cacadordecarros.com.br/ / cacadordecarros / felipecarvalhocacadordecarros / carrosdoportuga / cacadordecarros #cacadordecarros #felipecarvalho