TODAY WE ANALYSE KING FELIPE VI'S CHRISTMAS SPEECH. A speech in which it seems that everyone has heard what they wanted and not what was actually said on behalf of the State and the regime of '78. AFTER CENSORSHIPING THE PREVIOUS ONE, FOLLOW ME ON MY NEW INSTAGRAM TO BE INFORMED BY THE MINUTE: / gisbertruben AND ABOVE ALL ON THE TELEGRAM CHANNEL: https://t.me/s/rubengisbertoficial www.rubengisbert.com SECONDARY LIVE CHANNEL: / @rubengisbertdirecto FOLLOW ME ON MY OTHER NETWORKS: ►Instagram: / gisbertruben ►Facebook: / gisbertruben ►Twitter: / gisbert_ruben ►Twitch: / rubengisbert ►TikTok: / rubengisbert TO COLLABORATE AND HELP CONTINUE CREATING CONTENT: ►Patreon: / laguaridadelzorro ►Paypal donations: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s... Become a member of this channel: / @rubengisbert