In this video, I will explain some of the related concepts and show how they work based on technical project details. 1. CONCEPT: The anaerobic filter is a biological reactor with upward-flowing sewage, consisting of an empty lower chamber and an upper chamber filled with submerged filter media, where facultative and anaerobic microorganisms act, responsible for stabilizing the organic matter. The standard that deals with the subject is NBR 13969. SEP 1997. Septic tanks - Complementary treatment units and final disposal of liquid effluents - Design, construction and operation 2. SIZING: Vu = 1.6.NCT Where: N = number of contributors (defined according to the plan, designer's responsibility); C = contribution of wastewater, in liters/inhabitants.day (Table 3 - NBR 13969); T = hydraulic detention time, in days (Table 4 - NBR 13969). 3. GEOMETRY: The anaerobic filter can be rectangular or circular, its minimum diameter is 80cm. Its useful height is fixed at 1.2m, with 0.6m of false bottom and 0.6m of filter medium. ========== If you liked the video, leave your like and help me continue sharing technical engineering knowledge. ========== See how to build an anaerobic filter • STEP BY STEP HOW TO BUILD A FILTER... Learn more about septic tank: • CONCEPT AND APPLICATION - SEPTIC TANK / TANK ... Master septic tank + filter + sump, visit: https://projetistapleno.com/fossa-fil... Visit our blog: https://projetistapleno.com/blog-2/ ========== So whoever can help me, share the idea, subscribe to the channel and leave your comments. On Instagram I already share knowledge daily, check it out there as it has a lot of valuable information / salatielkerne ==========