On Tuesday's Mais Você, October 15, 2024, Ana Maria Braga welcomed Dona Déa Lúcia Amaral, mother of the unforgettable actor and comedian Paulo Gustavo, for an emotional breakfast. The meeting was marked by moments of great emotion, laughter and touching stories about the life of Déa Lúcia and her beloved son, as well as reflections on family, overcoming and unconditional love. During the program, Ana Maria and Dona Déa shared unforgettable memories and special recipes, in addition to talking about Paulo Gustavo's legacy in art and in people's lives. Dona Déa Lúcia's wisdom and good humor won over the audience, transforming the program into one of the most exciting moments of the year. Ana Maria Braga, as always, led the chat with lightness and sensitivity, creating a welcoming and warm atmosphere for the special guest. Don't miss this unforgettable meeting on Mais Você! Watch, get emotional and share this special moment with your friends and family! Don't forget to subscribe to the channel for more exciting and inspiring content. #AnaMariaBraga #DonaDéaLúcia #MaisVocê #Breakfast #Emotion #Tribute #PauloGustavo #TVGlobo #Family #Overcoming #Legacy #UnconditionalLove #Recipes #Entertainment #ExcitingMeeting #BrazilianCulture #Humor #RemarkableMoments #Memories #Interview #MaisVocê2024 #TVShows #BrazilianEntertainment #Inspiration #CoffeeWithAna #AnaEDea #Memories #Friendship #Gratitude #LifeStories