Baku TV presents a special report from the liberated city of Aghdam. In the report, Kenan Rustamov, who returned to Aghdam, where he was born and raised, after 30 years of longing, shared his memories by visiting the places where he spent his childhood. Kenan Rustamov, who lives in Sweden, noted that he is now returning to Aghdam, where he left to fight at the age of 18, with his family. He also visited the Aghdam Juma Mosque and the grave of his brother Sanan Rustamov, who was martyred in the First Karabakh War. Free Ads- https://tut.az https://baku.tv / / Subscribe ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCINw... All copyrights are reserved on the channel. The main goal of the channel is to deliver the most important and interesting news happening in the world and the country to a wide audience in Azerbaijani and Russian. #BakuTv #Azerbaijan #trend