Espen Nordhus is an investor in the company Norsk Kjernekraft, which is working to build nuclear power plants in Norway. In this podcast, he explains that the debate climate around the green shift and our energy policy is changing. It has now become easier to talk about cheap energy and security of supply than it has been before, Nordhus finds. – You can't just replace fossil fuels overnight, and people have begun to understand that. Ole Asbjørn Ness chimes in: "We actually have a reality we have to deal with." Climate activists' promises of cheap and good energy supply from sun and wind are completely slaughtered in this podcast. If we are to have cheap, stable and climate-friendly energy, we must invest in nuclear power, Espen Nordhus insists. Don't forget to like and follow iNyheter on YouTube. The podcast is also available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and X.