Today I want to invite you to study Genesis in a new way for those who are not yet my students in the Bible Commented with Rodrigo Silva. You will see how profound is the way I propose that we study the Word of God together. ???? The Bible Commented with Rodrigo Silva: ????More information can be found here: https://edzz.la/J1AVG?a=89574220 Do you have any questions? Contact our support! ????Phone: +55 19 98185-1583 ✉️ Email: [email protected] ???? Still don't know our blog? Here you will find all my content gathered in one place! ???? Click on the link and enjoy! https://www.rodrigosilvaoficial.com.br/ ???? Link where you can buy my books: https://www.livrosrodrigosilva.com.br/ #rodrigosilvaarqueologia #rodrigosilvaarqueologia #commentedbiblia #viagemterrasanta #Israel #livrosrodrigosilva #bible