In this video I will show you how I use peeled potatoes for car windows, all because of the starch found in potatoes. This simple trick helps to protect the glasses from water, because water can no longer stay on them. Through a step-by-step process, I explain how to properly apply this natural coating and how it works to reduce water retention, which will improve visibility and safety when driving in the rain. #AutoStakla #KrompirZaStakla #PrirodnaZaštita #SkrobZaStakla #AutoTrikovi #ZastitaOdVode #VoznjaPoKisi #AutoSaveti #DIYTrikovi #VoziteSegurno #Autopremaz #KrompirSaveti #VoznjaBezOblaka #AutoPriprema #diypopravka #autoservisuradim #automechanikauradim #pravkaautomobila #uradito #autodijelovi #pravravkauradim #popravkavozila #uradisam #autosavet #popravkasam #tuninguradim #tuningautomobila #autoservisDIY #uradimpopravku #autouradim #uraditoautomobil #diyaautomehanika #popravkautomobilauradim