There really are times in life when everything goes wrong. Take Vincent, for example. Not content with leaving him on the pretext that he is unbearable, his wife finds a way to cheat on him with his own publisher! Just when he would have needed all his wits to finish this damn biography of Catherine II of Russia. How ungrateful. Who will prepare his meals, wash his clothes, make his bed? Being forced to return to live with his mother at forty is still a bit hard, but hey, in war as in war. "Over there", at least, he will have peace, concentration, finally, all the essential ingredients to work in peace. Except that... Director: Christiane Lehérissey Screenplay: Marie Delorme, Catherine Pierre and Joëlle Goron Image: Carlos Assis Editing: Amina Mazani Music: Benjamin Leherissey Production: François d'Artemare and Maria João Mayer Country: Flag of France France Duration: 100 minutes Broadcast date: January 28, 2004 Pascal Légitimus: Vincent Pascale Roberts: Vincent's mother Suzanne Legrand: Lili Stéphanie Lagarde: Johanna Marc Rioufol: Daniel Roland Marchisio: Antoine Chrystelle Labaude: Brigitte Sílvia Patzsch: Val Mafalda Vilhena: Chloé Maria Emilia Correia: Julia Piedade Fernandes: Alice Jorges Vasques: hospital shrink Rita Mira: seaside hotel employee Selma Cifka: hospital receptionist Carlos Sebastião: motorist ► To subscribe, click on this link: http://bit.ly/2uDpyuN #TVfilm #France #family